This is a variety of older work I've done during my career in different advertising agencies within the last 13 years. The screenshots show the final results of each project where I was responsible for the concept part.


Client: BMW Deutschland // Concept and content for the BMW 100 years campaign

Client: Audi // Concept for campaign and copy for the Audi A1

Client: Audi // Information architecture and content creation for the relaunch of myAudi

Client: Audi // Concept und content creation for a microsite about efficiency

Client: Technologiestiftung Berlin // Concept and content for client website

Pitch Bundesland Sachsen // Campaign idea and concept

Client: DKV Deutsche Krankenversicherung // Content creation and concept for the "Pflege" online special

Client: Die Unternehmen der Metall- & Elektroindustrie // Campaign idea  and content creation "Herz der Wirtschaft"

Mascha Lea Andexer



2022 – today // Jung von Matt TECH

UX Concept Lead

2019 – 2022 // Project Lara Milou

Full-time mother in love

2017 - 2019 // Freelance UX 

Aperto, BBDO, Intu, Hopf Strategie, Körber Digital, Scholz&Friends and more


2014 - 2017 // Hi-ReS! Berlin

Senior Concept Developer


2011 – 2014 // Scholz & Friends Berlin GmbH

Concept Developer


2011 – 2011 // Neue Digitale / Razorfish

Junior Concept Developer


2009 – 2010 // Neue Digitale / Razorfish

Trainee Online Concept Developer


2009 – 2009 // Scholz & Friends Interactive

Intern Concept Developer




Audi / BMW / Caparol / ComDirekt / Deutsches Handwerk / Deutsche Bahn / DKV / Fisherman`s Friend / Lichtblick / McDonald`s / Mercedes-Benz Transporter / M+E – Unternehmen / MILRAM / Opel / Penny / Robert Bosch Stiftung / Saturn / Smart / Technologie Stiftung Berlin